What moves us?
We believe companies need rigorous and relevant information about the internal experience of purpose (you can't manage what you don't measure). By effectively measuring and improving their employees' experience of purpose, companies can strengthen their purpose, enable employees to engage more fully with it and help create a more purposeful society.
What are the benefits?
By joining the movement, companies receive support in measuring their experience of purpose, benchmarking comparisons, best practice and guidance for improvement.
How do we measure the purpose?
Companies survey their employees with three questions that constitute the 3D Index of Purpose, the result of more than fifteen years of research into the measurement of purpose.
· Q1. Management`s behavior is consistent with the purpose/mission of the company.
· Q2. The purpose/mission of my company is aligned with my personal values.
· Q3. My colleagues' behavior is consistent with the purpose/mission of the company.
(*) The terms “purpose/mission” can be replaced by any of the following: “purpose”; “purpose and mission”; "mission"; “mission and values”; "mission and vision"; "mission, vision and values"; “purpose and values”; "Purpose, mission and values".
How does it work?
You can choose between two options:
Option 1: We send you a survey link with the three questions of The 3D Index of Purpose and you distribute it to your employees.
Option 2 . We send you an implementation guide and you introduce the three questions of The 3D Index of Purpose in your climate survey.
Does it have any cost?
There is no cost to companies. Expenses are covered through altruistic donations from foundations, companies and the collaboration of volunteers.